Tuesday, April 20, 2010

i know i should be at school. stfu


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

grade 8 - now.

BONJOUR err' body. ( and by everyone i mean shawn.. and sometimes karina.. what a life i live)
okay so i'm sitting in my room ( REP ) and i sort of have cramps. but not really. but kind of. listening to flight of the conchords. which doesent really inspire me to be all deep or whatever. so i think some thomas newman might help this situation...

You know what's weird? remember way back (shawn) to when you and I would listen to Yiruma - the river flows in you. We would be like " it says so much... without actually saying anything". Thats JUST like this song ( thomas newman- road to perdition). it always makes me think and be all deep and realisation-y.
its really amazing that music like this exists. =)
BUT ANYWAYS. onto other tingz...
i'm just thinking about our entire friendship as a whole.. like, an overview. And Its so crazy how much we've been through. How long we've known eachother ( 4 years ). Does it really seem that long? like really?
Lets think back to grade 8... That year was really crazy. like REALLY crazy. i was homeschooled (lame) i had one friend (tonya) and didn't do much but hangout with her. seeing her after school was my everything. and during the day i'd fantasize about horses ( no joke. ) and living in the country on a farm. I'd go out on random adventures to the country with my mom and write tonya package pages. i legit didnt do ANY school work that year. i'm not complaining though.
grade 9....
Grade 9 was CRAZY. and when i look back on it, its my favourite year of highschool by far.nothing is taken too seriously ( the work, i mean) but your friends are like.. steel. and thats the only thing that really matters ( well, in my books). we had some jokes times, like adriana pissing infront of timothys. you know. those "fridays". times at scup (REP). our lame ass "interventions" that never REALLY did any good but made people feel like shit for a day. My comical ideas of what was cool ( AKA : emo bullshit) remember that red book i'd carry with me? that i'd write all that bullshit in? SO JOKES. i look at it now and i just laaaaughhh. i remember i was so into hartley (hahaha remember him? ) i thought he was like the sun and moon. and i remember when he hurt me i wasnt really shocked because i kind of expected it from him. but non the less it still hurt. and i still havent forgotten about it. i'd sit in my basement and listen to citizen cope- sideways. and be all sad. but looking back on that... i know how much i liked him. BUT STILL. i'm happy im over that. alot. all those times at kb's apartment were so fun and convenient, i really wish she didnt move!! lololol : IN THE LOOP CAFE. miss that place!
grade 10...
WELL. this was last year. and boyyyy did it suck. reminded me alot of grade 8 to be honest. except my house was under renovation. i didnt even have one best friend ( WAAIIT. I LIED. I HAD WAYNE... but i didnt NOT see him nuff ) and i was sorta kinda.. digging ben. BUT THATS ANOTHER STORY. i was living in that shitty apartment and my mom and I got in fights REALLY often. actually, i got in fights with both my parents alot. it always ended the same. my computer was taken away and i was PISSED. nearing the end of grade 10 i went to bethany hills. which was so great. and i dont mean great while i was there. i mean so great looking back on it. Mrs. Owl, Mr. wallace. all those jokes people that are just so stupid you have to laugh ( its just not funny then. because they were, like, controling your entire life). over the summer of grade 10 i had the most amazing time with my camp friends going down the bloodvein river and really seeing what was important in life ( uhm. necessities. and friends.) I'm so happy i had the people on my trip that i had. i wouldent change one of them. i love you guys. alot.
grade 11....
i guess this is still grade 10 for me eh? WOOT for re-doing a grade ( i lie, its no fun. dont do it)!! regardless, alot of shit has happened. YO WE MADE IT TO DOUBLE DIGITS 2010 BABY!! 2012 is soon.. dun dun dun. but onto things that are REAL : shawnyyy shawn shawn! i love you!! thank you for being such a great fwend. i know we had a rocky past ( uhhh... grade 10 ) but this has been so amazing and i really would not change it for anything. you are by far the best friend i have ever had and i really hope nothing changes. ever. we've had some good times, eh? like getting stuck in reids hole and falling all over the floor infront of spencer. hahahaha. vanessa's jam? WHAAATT. halloween? ahahahha. basically ALOT of good times that i cant even begin to explain. basically, thats the road that has led us to now. ( ps. now includes a boyfriend... HSDJFGSJFG WEIRD )

anyways i love you dawl....z yoooh


"In heaven I have 12 wings and 6 faces. One of which is a Lion."
- season 5