Saturday, January 8, 2011

A fictional story.

$527.97 was all the money she had left, from shopping or drinking or whatever the fuck she spent her money on. She took it all out of the bank feeling like this was what she was meant to do. there was a reason why she needed to take this money out. she didn't know why yet, but she felt like the reason would soon show itself. she went shopping that day with her boyfriend and bought herself a top that was on sale, not wanting to spend too much of her hard earned cash. She went home that night, with her new top, feeling accomplished and happy. Knowing she had shopped without spending all her money like she had once before. This felt different to her. This money had a purpose. arriving home she went straight to cooking her family dinner. She made a recipe for squid that her uncle had shown her. which made the meal rather special, as it was like a family recipe. She felt glad that this was one thing she knew, how to cook squid. That she couldn't mess it up, because she knew it so well. As her mother prepared the salad and her father and brother sat on the couch watching t.v, the squid sizzled and cooked on the frying pan.

She didn't have what you would call a 'good relationship' with her dad. Her dad always found ways to turn every situation into something about himself. He made assumptions and said something hurtful and wrong? we would say something like " thats not true... " and he would say " YOU AND YOUR MOTHER ARE JUST TERRIBLE, AWFUL PEOPLE. YOU GANG UP ON ME. THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE LEARNING FROM YOUR MOTHER, TO BE OVERLY CRITICAL ". Sometimes he said hurtful things without even realizing how hurtful they really were. Her mother on the other hand, was the only real parent she felt like she ever really had. Her mother would be beat down by the things her father would say, and how he treated her. It killed her to see her mother being abused and the fact that she never acted in helping herself rid her life of her abuser. I guess she and her mother were alike in that sense, they both had no problem sticking up for other people and there rights, but when it came down to sticking up for themselves.. they were helpless. Her brother, in her eyes, is a lying , cheating, rude and ungrateful person. Who , she thought, did not deserve to live in the family home anymore, as he was going nowhere in life, didn't have a job, didnt have education, and sat around on the couch all day eating the families food and never contributing. it would be one thing if he was in a rut and needed to get his life in order and his feet back on track, but he just seemingly didn't care for his life and it's potential. he just cared for the now. and school? well thats just too much work for him.. why do that when you can sit on the couch watching free t.v and eating free food?

As she finished the last round of squid, she poured it into a bowl and called everyone to dinner. Perhaps this is where things started to go downhill for that day. Her father, seeing she had left one squid ring in the pan went over and picked it up meaning to put it the bowl with the rest of the squid, but not looking, burnt her on her inner arm. " ouch! dad! what the heck! you just burnt me.. my arm was right there! why didn't you look??" " you left squid in the pan, Mackenzie." " Ian, you burnt her. Honey, go run it under some cold water" " I UNDERSTAND I BURNT HER. IM SORRY. god, you guys are just terrible. this is exactly what you'll learn with your mother, how to overreact to everything". Living with this family is basically impossible, she thought. Her mother, looking like she was about to cry, took her bag and went upstairs to her room. She packed away the leftover squid in the fridge and said as she left the room " Reids on dish duty." to which he ( of course ) wouldn't take responsibility for.

Mackenzie, that was her name, had a dream. To go to a boarding school. Away from her hell home, away from all the mess , stress and heart ache. She thought it was a possible dream. She thought somehow she would make it there, to her dream school up in whitby. beautiful campus, historical castle building. everything she could ever want.she didn't have to live at her home. which, felt like it was tearing her apart to live in.

Its hard to have a bestfriend who is so wealthy. You see her getting whatever she wants. prada bag? no problem. trip to europe? when should i book it ? While Mackenzie's parents battled debt and a family in depression. her friend lived the high life and obtained everything anyone could ever want. She could go to mackenzie's dream school. no problem. But could mackenzie?
no. the answer is no. 40,000$ a year. her father didn't have that kind of money. family in debt and a inevitable divorce soon on the way. there is no way she could live her dream of being sent to her dream school. of being happy while getting her education. happiness is something she had rarely tastes as of late. she felt trapped and realized there is nowhere she can go. no dream school with a dorm room with her name on it. no lottery to be won. no magical turn of events in which she would suddently be happy and her family would love each other. she was stuck in a world she hated and that hated her right back. There was no reason for her money, just as there was no reason for her.
she would sit in her house in a coma of depression, a layer of dust settling over her while her bestfriend went on to her dream school and lived the life she wished she could. Everyone was leaving. Her mother was leaving her father. Her friends were leaving for university. Her best friend to england. and she would remain in the pink room for the rest of her life.

thank god this story is fictional!