Wednesday, March 11, 2009

sob story.

( me and my fortune tellers. there are more, but it kept falling over if i stacked it too high )
Reid said that if i cleaned the apartment he would bring ben back to the apartment. ( i was like aww he's so nice for including me, i'll have to thank him for it later )
we shook on it.
so i cleaned the apartment. like mad. i was listening to katy perry while dancing and singing..and cleaning. it was fab, only because of what i would get at the end.
then i called reid and was like IM DONE!! and he was like " sweep the floor and we'll be up in a minute" so i swept the floor and then called my tutor and canceled for the night, so i could spend time with them. then i was like QUICK BEFORE THEY COME ! and decided to shave my legs in the sink with no soap. now i have the worst razor burn. EVER.
so i spent 2 hours posing cooly around the apartment hoping they'd come in and i'd be like " ohh heeey.. didn't know you'd be here.. " and i'd be looking all..awesome and stuff. 
another hour went by and i was like " ohh they're probobly just fixing something, them be boys" so i speant the next little while making more than 20 fortune tellers in various colours. they're all stacked up right now. they look like a magical rocket. that i'd like to ride.
i didn't want to write on my blog incase they came in. so i didn't even go on it. 
then my dad came home and was all " oh, reid, ben and ashley just dropped me off. they're going somewhere" i was like : |
then i was all " psht, they're probobly dropping ashley off and getting beer.. them be boys" so i listened to some music i thought they would approve of ( incase they walked in )
then i watched the latest buzz.
and here i am.
they're not coming. are they.
my legs really hurt.
i'm not going to pass that test tomorrow.
and FYI : rubbing fortune tellers on you, doesen't give you goodluck.
somewhere in the back of my head im like "THEY ARE COMING"
so i listen for the elevator and for voices. and i flip everytime i think its them.
i reaaaally need to stop. 
god damnit.

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