Monday, March 30, 2009


i'm at my apartment right now. I'm listening to Yiruma. i love yiruma.. pretty much explains my life. i'm kind of pissed off at my living conditions right now.
its a MESS here. not even like normal messy it's like MAD messy here. ridiculous. no one cleans up there shit. then my brother ashley went off to the US on some big adventure and decided to live his ANOYING AND VERY LOUD parrot at the SMALL apartment. all she does is make noises. i hate her. alot. now my other brother is deciding ( he wont be aloud, no way in hell ) that he wants to bring the two cats here as well. 
when we first came here the idea was that NO ANIMALS. NO MESS. SIMPLIFY. aka: leave all our excess shit at the house. NOW LOOK. people keep bringing all there shit here and its taking up ALL the space. no room to breath!!

now onto something else..
i'm failing math and history. woo.
tonya's birthday is coming up this friday. i'm going to her dad's place for a family thing and then on saturday we're doing a friend thing ( yeah i dont know what her plan is for that..) i got her a present yesterday. i hope she likes it :)
i went to yorkdale yesterday with my mum, i got this really cool shirt from medocino. but its like a size to small for me. ( so me and my mum stretched it ) THIS IS WHY YOU SHOULD TRY SHIT ON BEFORE BUYING IT !!!
blah blah blah.

i don't really have anything to say.
well. i do.
but not over internet ahahahaha.
ahaha i feel so fake right now. love love love love ... yeah deffffs.
now im just mad bored..
4 : 28. awee yea.
i always feel like there are lyrics to yiruma, like i can hear them. but in reality its just piano. i think you know what i'm talking about ???
ish. yeah.
OH i almost got a new phone !! ALMOST.
i'm getting the LG voyager. it's kind of a big deal.
i wanted the T MOBILE sidekick. like. alot. but.. naw 'b.
anyway's maija has finally stfu.
[ the bird.. not maija maija ]
boom boom boom knockin' at my back door.
kay i think i should go before i go retarded. oh but before i do, i shall have you know my obsession is a tad less with B. if you know what i mean.
not saying i don't like him anymore, cause i do, i totally do, it's just.. he's starting to treat me like reid treats me and i really dont like it. like at all.
i need to get out of this place before i fucking kill reid. he's SO anoying.



- solid black acoustic guitar ( fender )
- black JVC camcorder
- LG voyager phone
- money to spend online shopping.
- someone to tend my cotton feild

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