Friday, May 1, 2009

Karl Lagerfeld.

KARL LAGERFELD has nothing to do with this post. i just enjoy him. alot.
today is FRIDAY! (that means brother comes home from cottage.. and 2 more days till i start my new school. i KNOW, NEW SCHOOL. WHAT IS THIS !? )
whatever. anyways..
i'm not suppose to on the computer. ( yes. i am sneaking..again) so shhh.
i dont really know what to do right now.
so ... yeah.
i think i'll take a break from this.
sorry. kind of awks. cleeaning lady yarr.

this is from so long ago.
i am trying to priint pictures. but failing. i have to wait for my mum to come with the right cord -.-
haaa first.
my new principal called. he was all " you have a room mate ! her name is andrea"
this shall be interesting....

Anyways. today i drew some portraits. but not like legit ones. ( you know, the ones that ACTUALLY look like the person.. alot ) mine look like the kind of drawings you see in Zines, i like them. alot.
i did one of henri,lucas,hartley , an eye and myself. i dont know why..
i like lucas's the best.
i called it " poor little emo boy "
he looks so sad in it ahahaha.
i dont really know why, but i feel like writing. so i think i'll just go on.. 
i'm talking to B on msn.
AHAHAHAHAH the most HILARIOUS thing of my life.. go look at my new quote on FB. its..magical.
god damn it. 
scoop dat pewp got deep and it was on. number 1 song after number 1 song.
I = DIP.
lovelovelovelovelove. you. and junk.

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