Monday, October 12, 2009

lonesome on my ownsome..

ahaha awful photo. but who really cares ?
so this long weekend was really good. even though i STILL have a headache. dont really know why ( ive had it since sunday morn ) buuuut anyways...
MY GOD I AM SO LONESOME. well. i mean, like, i know what your answer will be to this, but I JUST REALLY THINK I NEED A BOYFRIEND. like sweet god. its about time, am i right ?
your answer :the whole world wants a boyfriend, budd.
( okay i realise thats what i told you when you said you wanted a boydfriend.. but still )

its weird. i still really like him. but its like.. i use to think he was everything. you know ? and now its like the more i fall out of love with him, the more he pulls moves on me ?
IDK. i still really really like him X 100000000. but . do you know what i am saying ?
its like when he ignores me, i just think 'why do i even like this guy ?!' and then he pays attention to me and im all ' this is why, look at his eyes, his hair, his smile.. his personality.. almost like hes perfect' BUT FUCKING HELL. 
i guess its all part of being a girl.
sometimes i wonder if i just get an actual boyfriend if he'll be jelous. or even care.
a part of me is like ... you know he would mackenzie. and another part of me is like 'are you so sure ?' 
godamn teenage angst. NAM SAYIN' !?

i just remember i tried to be what i thought he wanted. and he didnt seem to feel it. ( if you know what i am talking about ) but the more im like FUCK IT. and im just myself. the more he pulls his moves.
he looks at me and im all ' okay you cant look at someone like that without liking them '
but he only ever does anything physical ( and not that much phsicalness at that ) when hes been drinking.
ahaha oh man.
im such a looooser.
im pretty sure he's coming over tonight. i hope he stays over.

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