Wednesday, December 30, 2009


so this is probably the last blog i will do this year.. whooray for new years eve! i think i should sum up this year, but first i need to tell you what happened this weekend...
Well we went up to the cottage [ Me, Reid, Ben, Taylor, Ashley, Sukie, Spencer ] i left the cottage , like twice.. no joke ahaha. it was so cold outside and there was waaay too much snow for my boots to handle. but anyways.. on to the important things... like the nights.
BASICALLY. the thing that happened last time " hey lets watch this movie.." " there aren't enough seats.." "let's share" [ Ben and I ]. Chyeah. i applaud my mother for throwing the couch we use to have there out. :]
but real talk : that was like, the first time he ever had.. well, you know what.. and i think its so funny because i'm just thinking back to what i was thinking at the time.. i just kept singing random lyrics over and over really fast in my head and being like OHMYGOD ITS TOTALLY WHAT I THOUGHT IT WAS!!! i know thats probably really lame,but i guess that means ..he thinks im .. well idk. but yeah?
i thought it would really disturb me, but it didn't. at all. didn't even gross me out in the slightest. so thats good.  i guess that means im not as immature as i think i am, ahahaha.
Anyways, he kept like,squeezing me & bringing his.. well.. yeah... closer to me. so uuh yeah. ahahah. At first i was like " theres no way thats what i think it is" so i was all casually scratching my thigh, which was right next to his.. yeah.. and i moved my fingers over a bit and it TOTALLY WAS WHAT I THOUGHT. i was like HA :D / : O
or something along those lines.
We basically snuggled for the entire night and i woke up in the morning.. like, alone. and in alot of pain, my body was like oragami and my back was broken. 
so that was my highlight  ( i mean the thing before,.. not waking up alone ahahah )

anyways so this year is almost over. ( THANK GOD ). the other good things that came from this year were me and shawn becoming closer.. incedents with ben, explorer and alcohol/ partys.
anyways i better dip to the set. time for me to watch my so called life and drool over Jordan Catalono ( Jared Leto ).
Loves you!

Friday, December 25, 2009


i legit dont think i like christmas anymore.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

and your only as small as the world will make you seem.

room is cleany cleany cleaaaan and it feels so refreshing! i love love love it. i honestly dont know how i lived in my messy room. ( well i do... ) but now it feels good to have people over and i absolutely love just... hanging out in my room [ even if its alone ahaha ]
tomorrow i'm going to shawns house ( or should i say, today.. since it's 1 : 17 am) we're going to clean her room. i find this exciiiiting.
i kind of like organizing. 
and i am a creep.. so i like seeing other peoples posessions ahaha.
but yeah. spencer put up the things in my room today..a frame with 3 pictures and my playboy thing.. that like holds all my paper and makes it look pretty!
its a tad exciting!! now all i need to do is get shawn & KB on board to help me decorate! its a tad... boring .. so blank! we'll seee if we can fix this. amiright ?
kay nightie night. i have to go read and tomorrow morning shawn will call me so i can make my way down yonder.
tonight i want to dream about candy canes and lollipops.

your only as tall as your heart will let you be

Just thought i'd share the grossest picture. ever.
hooray for drunken pictures..
( why do photo's like these even EXIST )

exchange !

so we did our present exchange at kb's new house ( it was aweeesome, just saying ).
kb got me : supernatural season 1, body shop stuff, snow globe, chocolates!
i got shawn : season 1 of hero's.
shawn got danielle : a necklace, a shirt, [ uuuuh i think there was something else, but my brain has misplaced it...]
danielle got kb : a frame, 2 shirts.

it was really fun/awesome. i like how we ended up ACTUALLY painting our faces pink..drinking and ending up at a gas station eating frog candys.

love scarborough.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


its almost christmas! ... but even closer than christmas is the present exchange at kb's new house. i am SOSOSOSO excited!!!
Danielle has Kb, Kb has MEE and I have shawn and shawn has danielle. or something along those lines.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009


so.. i got shawn her present. and it was a tad exspensive. but i feel like i need to get her something more because i feel like i woudent be satisfied with just this. well.. actually i feel like i would be satisfied because i would want this gift.. but idk if shawn would so im like jfhjkdsfsjf and trying to figure out someway i can get more money to buy something more.
but i spent all my money.
but i will be a champ and attempt to come up with more.
( aka : no drinking,partying,lunch,TTC money...or .. well anything)
but i think this is all for a good cause because i love giving gifts to people.
like. its just so exciting!!!!!
i cant wait to get my present from KB too.
happyness and whatnot =]