Sunday, May 23, 2010


almost victoria day! ( to be honest i dont even know when it is, i'm guessing monday. not quite sure )
i should be upstairs in the "sauna" ( the third floor , it gets overly hot up there ) printing stuff off for bens thinger and the fashion book. but seeing as i only have one thing to print off for bens thing ( cuz i have yet to get the pictures from shawn) and the fashion thing can really be done at anytime, considering i dont have a due date. and it's really just something i want to do. not something that has to be done.
but here i am, sitting in my backyard in a seriously comphy lounge chair.
listening to angus & julia stone.
wearing a vintage outfit that reminds me a bit of a sailer.

it's such nice weather out right now. the sky is a greyish blue and it seems like the perfect temp. maybe because inside it feels like africa. outside. is. perfect.

today i hung out with alyson at the eatons center. we went to the obvious places. H&m,forever21,urbanoutfitters, american eagle, aerie.
just before we left i bought an XL bubble tea from "freshly squeezed". so. not. freshly. squeezed.
if by that they mean "from powder". then yes. they are quite right.
i still have a quarter of it in my fridge.
on my walk home from the subway i tried to get to all the lychee jelly. ( impossible) i kept having to suck up all the juice ( which was making me feel sick) so i just ran over to some bushes outside an apartment and spat all the sickly-green-overly-sweet liquid out and kept all the DEEEE-LICIOUS lychee thingers.

I'm really happy with my life right now. everything is just so great. i have everyone in my life that i want. and everyone who wants me in theirs has me ( well. mostly. but still.) i have great parents, and amazing boyfriend, okay brothers ( kidding. i love them. most of the time.) the best friends...
i just kind of feel like nothing can touch me. like.. nothing can stop my happiness. because.. i have everything i have ever wanted. minus the cam corder.... but i don't really mean things like that. i mean things that ACTUALLY matter. like people.
i feel like im closer to finding out who i am. and thats cool, i guess. i think i may just like the fact that i have no idea who i am.. and that i can still experiment with all sorts of different things to figure out what i like.
if i just knew who i was, i wouldent be much fun. atleast, in my opinion. if i was born knowing "hey. your going to be this. thats who you are." theres no struggle, which is really important in making a good person. plus, i've dabbled in so many things. acting,singing,modeling,ballet,designing,sewing,canoeing,cooking,etc. some things like that are good to know. good to have. so that when you meet people who are doing that. or "are" that. you can relate. atleast a little bit. y'know?

right now i'm waiting for ben to come over.. i think we'll make dinner, watch a movie and have a shower <--- last one was his idea. haha. i love waiting for him. its like waiting for something really amazing to happen. waiting for a really great party, that you know is going to be fucking awesome, and your so excited. but your chills. I love it.

ew. ew. ew. ew. i watched an episode of untold storys of the ER today. a woman had a june bug in her ear. WTFFFFF. disgusting.alot.

sometimes i forget what i'm writing about... and then this type of post happens.

anyways i think i'm done. i have ventured back inside & am now going to watch-eh-da-TV and sit in my exciting-happy-awesome-"benscomingover"-state and wait. yupp.

BYE !!!!

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