Friday, December 12, 2008


this is how i feel at the moment.
i am so pissed right now. i dont even know what to do !

my brother is completly out of line.

today when he asked me for some help cleaning up ( rudely, i might add )

i said no, because i was watching T.V and i didnt want to help someone who was being so rude.

so my brother, who is 20 years old and insanely immature and anoying says " kay well i'll just put all your stuff into a garbage bag" im like " okay, thanks reid" thinking, oh he'll put my stuff in a garbage bag and then i can put all my stuff away in my room. nice, right ?


its bedtime here and i couldent find the pajama's i bought yesterday, then i remembered they were in the bathroom and that he must of put them in the bag, so i said "reid, wheres the clothing that was in the bathroom ? " and he says " in the garbage" i said " no.. you wouldent do that, where are they really" and he was like ".. garbage".

i was like FUCK YOU.

so i went to the garbage and inside was my 200 $ skii jacket and a bunch of other really expensive things as well as a shirt i bought yesterday and havent even worn yet.

i pull everything out. and then i smell this horrible smell coming from the carbage can.

i look in and there, at the bottom is a thick nasty garbage goo. you know that stuff after stuff slips out of the bottom of the garbage bag and makes this descusting wrotting food stew.

and then i realise ITS ALL OVER ALL OF MY STUFF.

so everything is pretty much descusting and i dont even want to touch it.

he broke my new sunglasses as well by shoving them in there.

i odnt know what to do about this house, i am scared i might have one of those so-mad-you-dont-know-what-you-just-did moments and kill someone.

Plus, my parents do nothing to help with anything. no matter what i do. its retarded how blind they must be to not see what is going on, how much hate and tention there is between this family is just sad.

i dont know why my brother always has to be so immature and mean to me.

especially anoying, he goes out of his way to be anoying to me and my mom and my dad cant even see it. i cant wait until reid moves out and there is finally peace in this broken family.

maybe him not being here for christmas will be a good thing.
* edit
I put on some laundry about 5 minutes ago and reid comes down, pulls everything out and throws it on the floor and gos back upstairs.
now, my dads clothing is covered in dog piss, because it just so happens my dog pee'd on the floor.
not only that but some of that stuff was mine ( since i had to clean the garbage goo off my clothing ).
i'm going upstairs to see what other damage he has bestowed upon my work & belongings.
dont you just hate when siblings act like this ??
i wish everyone would just get along
he's 20, im 15, why do i have to act like the grown up ?

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