Wednesday, December 17, 2008


last weekend my parents went out christmas shopping and somehow i got to tag along. seeing as they couldent get me anything for christmas since i was there, some how i managed to get stuff for that night [ yes, i realise that makes no sense at all.. ]
i got new bed linen. i realise its not very interesting, but i was so happy. going to bed in a clean bed= AWESOME.
its plad. and i love it.
so today my tutor came over to help me with making christmas presents for the family [ i know.. hes my tutor, but hes more like a friend ]
im making these picture-things [ honestly i cant remember what they are called ]
and he bought all the frames,cardboard and he brought a camera.
also, he brings me breakfast every morning he comes.
and when i was sitting there like :0 & feeling terrible cause he paid for all of this. he pulls out a book and is like " merry christmas" and hands me a book on how to draw manga.
dont quite know what else to say about that. just wow. is all i can think about. and.. i kind of feel terrible about it ! ah !

so ive been sitting here drawing manga listening to my ipod for the past couple hours.
all in a days work for the girl looking for a school ! ( yes. im currently not in a school )

EDIT * i spelt plaid wrong. don't worry about it....

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