Thursday, January 15, 2009


so my room is being redone.
this is a picture of my friend tonya posing dramatically with the ghettoness of the current state of my room.
kind of depressing to see it like this at the moment. but hey ! it'll be even better than it was before in no time ( uuh, atleast i hope it wont take too long !)
i have to sleep on the floor of my parents dressing room. not so great.
also, i am starting at a new school on feb.2nd it sucks cause we have to wear uniforms. iiick.
not only will i be taking the usual 4 credits, i also will be doing night school twice a week. honestly. i am going to have NO time. just work work work! but it'll be worth it!!
im also getting a haircut on the 27th. im kind of excited.
[back to the uniform thing] not only do i have to wear a shitty uniform, they are MAD exspensive, 70 $$ for a kilt. JUST ONE KILT. 20$ for a tie.
okay. so tie isnt so exspensive but when i think of school merchandise i think 10 $, tops. who the hell wants to spend alot of money on school clothing? i sure as hell dont.

i was at tonya's house today and i (finally) saw eagle eye. very impressed. not what i thought it was going to be.
anyways. time for bed !

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