Monday, January 26, 2009


i just got back from my cottage.
it was a pretty good weekend, actually.
although. very confusing.
here's basically what went down : so it's me, my two brothers ( ashley and reid) and ashley's friend sookie & reid's best friend Ben.
so like. i'm just a tad in love with Ben.. No Big. 
every night he and i would stay up mad late and talk about absolutly nothing.
the first night i fell asleep at 8' on his lap.. to be woken up like 30 minutes later cause he had to pee. HA.
the next night we only stayed up till like 4' 
but laaaaaast night he was mad flirting with me. i was all :\ :D
it was amazing.
at one point i was leaning on his legs and he's all " do you really want to snuggle" and i'm all " YEAH" and he's all " then come share my seat with me " .. i didn't answer cause the chair he was sitting on would NOT fit both of us. and then he was all " fine, lie on my legs then" so i moved onto the armrest and was like " this is so much comphier.." and he was like " no its can move back if you want"
basically. other cute flirtations happened as well. but i'm not going to write an essay.

we went off hiking into the woods cause people wanted to shoot reid's gun's. so i went with.
i was so cold that when i finally got back to the cottage i was like in tears.
it was so painful.

its kind of awkward right now cause i am listening to some fucking awesome music & i was singing along ( aka, like yelling the lyrics ) and i realised that all the workers can hear me downstairs.
i'm such a tool.
whateva whateva i do what i want. [ please say you know where that quote is from..]

ALSO : my "U" on my key board is REALLY hard to press down, it takes mad effort.
aweee yeeeaaa.

i don't really know what else to say.
aaaaaaand school starts feb 2nd. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH !!
i keep laughing at bon qui qui [ i love mad tv ]

need to have a shower and think more about ben.
... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee BEN ! <3 

p.p.s- weird things happened at the cottage, i'd be like " i wish this would happen..." and then it would... :S

1 comment:

  1. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
    you + ben = W37T5 UAIR HSE46L34VWR
    i must hear more about this.
    call me parhaps ?
