Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a weird way to end a weird day

so i was sitting here, all waiting to talk on skype with wayne.
and i hear crying?
my older brother was crying in his room? 
i have no idea why. but i listened for like 20 seconds, i coulden't take it anymore. so i went in there and put his head in my lap and just talked to him, for atleast an hour.
i think he's better now.
i have no idea what made him so sad. i didn't ask.
i haven't heard him cry since he was like 12.
suuuper weird.
but also, i have to admit, i was kind of..sad...and scared.
we pretty much talked about a club he went to tonight,ben,my new school,hair gel and ghetto asians?
random.i know. but they all came up somehow and it made reid happy. so i'm happy for that.
thank goodness i wasn't asleep.
anyways i should hit the sack. schoool.
but it's nice to see how we can,kind of, come together when we know someone needs us. y'know? it was like a freaking scene from a movie.
i asked. and reid said that he's not mad about me liking bl, he said he doesen't care.

anyways. goodnight internet world.
hello.. dream land? da fuck?

ps. ahahah naww.. i'll save this topic for another blog, another time. for now i need some mother fuckin' Z's.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. i really did just say that.

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