Thursday, November 12, 2009

floating head.

so i'm sitting in my room right now eating babybel. which is NOT as good as i remember as a kid. kind of tastes like plastic/old milk. bUT ANYWAYS..
im listening to barelypolitical which is AMAZING. i love auto tune the news.
but REAL TALK: I'm sorry i havent written here in a while. i've been busy.. packaging,obsessing over stupid things, trashing my room, going to school, failing civics for the 2nd time, reading, shopping and of course watching movies. but here is the DL on what you've missed :

HALLOWEEN was ridic. 
FRIDAYS: always retarded.
i think my new favourite thing to do is drink with my brother. always ends nicely.
minus when i puked up watermelon and hyperventalated until i fell asleep. BUT THATS A STORY FOR ANOTHER TIME/NEVER.
my great uncle is coming to visit tomorrow ?  i think..
anyways. all i am thinking about now is how i wish my life was auto tuned.
..and i wish i didnt eat 2 babybel's. 
oh.. i got so distracted there for like 20 minutes.
gosh. i think i am going to go see if i can 'recover' the thing i wrote on the computer in the basement. MY COMPUTER CRASHED. so frustrating!!!
i want to see that movie 'inside hana's suitcase' .
just saying.

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