Wednesday, June 2, 2010

An Idea

so many things have changed. and this is why i'm not quite sure what to do. will i continue to write on here ? will i put this site out of my mind & move on, only to re discover my written teenage angst on the internet, when im , like 30 or something ? or will i delete this entirely and loose everything i have ever written on here. good. bad. funny. sad. i don't know. for now i'll just leave it as it is. and if i have a time to breathe and think about it, i'll get back to you.
but if it helps, i did love to write on here. and i still do. its kind of relaxing. to just let your brain go to mush and your fingers start typing. but hey, this is 2010, i cant dither on here forever. and i certainly dont want to when it seems like i cant talk about everything. like right now. i'd like to go into detail about what it is i mean. but i cant. because i know what the consequences could be. so. in turn, i say, goodbye blogging world ( for now ). i hope that someday i can come back and write on here like a fool, like i have been for a while.
for some reason i feel like i may have some sort of angry situation i have to deal with, and i'll come crawling back. keyboard, glasses and anger in hand. ready to release everything onto this strange blogerong i call.... this.

lets just wait and see. shall we ?

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